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St. Antoniusblatt

Yosyag Restaurant - Cafè


A hostel for high school girls

Summer festival

A public canteen


"St. Antoniusblatt" – a monthly family magazine








The first issue was published in October 1933


The "St. Antoniusblatt" magazine was born under the Fascists. The Capuchin monks could get the permission for a German magazine from the government in Rome thanks to their negotiating skills. However, the government set three conditions:


- the Italian title "Voce di San Antonio" must be on the cover
- there must at least be one Italian article
- the magazine must have a balancing effect between the two linguistic groups


The Capuchin provincial superior Fr. Josaphat Wieser announced the foundation of the "St. Antoniusblatt" on 1 September 1933. The first issue of 22 pages was then published on 1 October 1933. The magazine functioned as the organ of the "Seraphic Work of Charity" and of the "Capuchins-Tertiaries" with an annual subscription rate of 6 liras. The editorial office was in the Capuchin monastery of Bressanone.


The three conditions set by the Fascist government were not respected completely: The Italian title "Voce di San Antonio" was never found on the cover and there were no Italian articles either. But the magazine certainly had "a balancing and calming effect on the population."


The balancing character of the magazine still today defines the contents and it is this fundamental feature that is very much appreciated by the subscribers.








Many volunteers guaranteed the survival of this magazine. The Work of Charity's financial situation was precarious in this period, as there was no public support. In those times, the Work of Charity almost exclusively lived from donations. Thus, the publication of the "St. Antoniusblatt" was a hidden cry for help.


The Capuchin monks set up a smart distribution network. They looked for one person in every village who distributed the "St. Antoniusblatt" for free. The result was a bridging function between the Work of Charity and public consciousness. This interaction between the Work of Charity and the distributors guaranteed the existence of the new monthly magazine.


The editors' commitment brought this magazine to a qualitatively new level. The originally strictly religious contents were substituted almost unnoticed. A monthly topic with well-balanced articles resulted in a quality level that was able to conquer an opinion niche in the medial information services of our country.


Until 31 December 2008, a Capuchin Father copyedited the "St. Antoniusblatt". Fr. Robert Prenner then gave the editorship to Mag. Martin Lercher. The "Mesnerbote" has become a part of the "St. Antoniusblatt" on his initiative. Fr. Robert Prenner still contributes to the different topics.
If you compare the first issue with today's format, you can notice a constant development. Many benefactors and especially sponsors guarantee the quality assurance; new subscribers also made a new layout possible.








Readers' contributions - opinions




The communication between editor and subscribers shows the interest in the opinion panorama.
A reader resonance with contributions or through a short letter keep the communication alive and avoid reducing it to readers who only regard the "St. Antoniusblatt" as an indirect donation for the Work of Charity.


Contact person for contributions, opinions, etc.


E-mail from the editor:
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80 Jahre Antoniusblatt

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- Ein Jahresabonnement kostet 20,00 €
- Ein Einzelabonnement kostet 1,70 €
- Ein Jahresabonnement durch Postzusendung: 22,00 €
- Für Juli-August kommt eine Doppelnummer heraus.




Information und Bestellungen
Mediumservice "Kapuzinerstiftung Liebeswerk"
Goethestr. 15
39012 Meran
Tel. +39 - 0473 - 204500, Sekretärin Frau Monika Pichler
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.